Sight: To be blind is sanctuary.
When you're enveloped in velvety black you yearn for sight.
When all you see is darkness you hope for light.
But drowning in the depths of nothing
Saves you from seeing the dead, living
After all of man's heinous lies and crimes
You wish to hear but not see the chimes.
When you SEE a bleeding wound you cry. But when you feel it with your fingers all you feel is the wetness of blood and skin, not a reason to imagine pain.
Smell: To not smell is immunity. It's the key to satisfaction. Most things in this world are shunned because their odour isn't preffered. What you can't smell has more potential for satisfying you than what you can smell.
Touch: To feel is a curse. Never mind all the pleasant feelings aroused by a single touch. If one person can't feel pain it's price is equal to a hundred feeling pleasure.
Sound: To be deaf is a privilege. There are things you wish you'd never heard.The sound of laughter is remembered... for only a few moments. But the sound of a mother wailing, the sobs of a dearest friend, the screams of a tortured soul are the sounds you take to your grave. So if you can't hear, you sleep peacefully, six feet under.
The Sixth Sense is to be deaf, dumb, blind, to not be able to sense or smell and yet... live.