Tuesday, 4 March 2008

An Atheist's Heaven

The dictionary definition of Heaven : "the abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life." This doesn't indicate that an atheist, a non-believer cannot experience a thing called heaven. Everyone has their own heaven but it doesn't have to be up in the sky with the angels. And you definately don't have to wait till you die to go to heaven. Heaven is a place on earth. For a beggar, luxury is heaven. For an insomniac, sleep is heaven. Heaven can be sight for a blind man, music to a deaf man, the first breath after nearly drowning or the first bite of food after days of starvation. The conception that heaven is for those who've done right and have managed either to never commit sins or have redeemed them all is false. To savour the simple pleasures of life without hesitation or doubt, to give into temptation once in a while and to succumb to our deepest desires can welcome us to the pearly gates of heaven, and to enter all you need to do is know how to live with a smile in your heart. I want to paint the walls of my heaven and i'm thinking blue :).


Unknown said...

haha.. i like.. has he read yet?

Unknown said...

WOW!! mother fucking hot!!!